Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Ask Yourself

In order to become a master procrastinator (that's fun to say), there are important questions to ask yourself, and I, procrastinator extraordinaire, am willing to share.  Obviously, I have thought about this for some time, some long time, before deciding to do this piece.  The following are in no particular order and not all will apply to every situation.  When you get around to it, feel free to pick and choose at will.

Can it wait?  (Top of the list, and is mandatory.)
Do I need it right now?
Will anyone or thing be hurt, deprived, or starve if I do it later?
Do I have to have/do it at all?
Is there a substitute that will save me?
Is the weather propitious?  Too hot, cold, wet, dry?
Is company coming?  (Applies to dusting only.)
Will it disturb sleeping cats?
Will one more day really matter?  (Can be asked several days in a row.)

This is the beginner's list.  Add to it as more and better questions occur.  I wouldn't want to overwhelm you all at once.

Obviously, I didn't go to town yesterday.  I'm out of excuses.

Stay safe.  Be well.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

Will I be more excited about doing it RIGHT before it needs to be done? Like when company is coming?