Saturday, December 5, 2020

Just Ask

Didn't I say I needed a deadline?  Well, I got one.  Deb and Craig are coming up today!  What with the virus situation, all I'd normally have to do for company would be to sweep the porch.  I can't remember the last time anyone was in my house and Michael and the cats aren't judgemental when it comes to dust.  However, on this visit the Kids are going to replace all those burned-out light bulbs in the kitchen, the ones I'm about 2" too short to reach.  I got quite a bit done yesterday, but not everything.  Deb promised they wouldn't look at anything but the light bulbs.  They're pretty trustworthy, but still....

Yesterday, Friday, I got a deadline of another sort.  PG&E sent notice that, because of weather, they're going to shut down power on Monday through Tuesday!  Their weatherman must be a whole lot better than most to gauge the weather four days out.  The last few times, we've only gotten a puff of breeze, if that, instead of the predicted high winds.  Sigh.

Knowing that my personal shoppers were going to Costco, the one thing I did ask for was yakisoba.  The Kids got me hooked on the stuff and I've been craving it.  Deb said Craig had found it and they'd be bringing some.  I know what I'll be having for dinner!

Stay safe.  Be well.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

I sure hope it was a wonderful day!