Tuesday, December 1, 2020

It's Coming

I don't need to look at the calendar to know that winter is coming.  As with every season, Farview tells me; no surprises here.  With just that little dab of rain we had, there is a green blush to the pastures and fields already, not tall enough to do the goats much good yet, but soon enough.  I'm seeing more deer in the girls' pen.  It's always a little startling.  There's Sheila, there's Tessie...and who is that?!

The powers that be have declared some recent burn days and it looks very much like smoke signals are being sent across the hills.  I'm waiting for Cameron to come and set off my burn piles.  I hate to evict whatever birds have made homes there, but it really has to be done and it's not a job I'd ever take on on my own.  I don't move fast enough should an ember escape, and that's not a danger I'm ready to face.

The cats are prepping in their own way.  That swinging belly fat pad on both Ralph and Celeste is big enough now, bigger than I've ever seen, to hold a litter of kittens.  I know that Missy is scarfing down a full bowl of food every day, but I don't see her often enough to know if she's keeping pace.  These cats never miss a meal, but it looks like they're storing up, just in case.

I've been making do with the beanbag and jacket, but mornings are getting down to freezing and I can see putting Stove to work in the near future.  It's like some kind of challenge to see how long I can put off lighting a fire.  I know, I know...no comments from the peanut gallery, please.

Among the goodies in Cameron's contribution box, there was a packet of dry red-lentil and rice jambalaya.  I'll have to admit that after the sun goes down and the chill sets in, a hot bowl of something filling has tasted pretty darn good.

Speaking of boxes, my cats are in seventh heaven, or at least one is.  There is nothing my silly kids like better than an empty box.  Celeste, as Big Sister In Charge, immediately took possession, leaving Ralph to beg for a turn.  He gets to play house only when she comes out to go potty or get a snack.

December.  If Thanksgiving was bad, I don't even want to think about Christmas.  It will be a whole year since we were all together.  Nope, not gonna go there.

Yesterday was Pay Bills Day.  That was enough for one day...all other chores took the hindmost.

Gear up, it's coming.

Stay safe.  Be well.

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