Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Lucky Day

The fog burned off here pretty early, and Stan found his way out of the grey, dismal valley by 10 a.m.  I'd given up any expectations, so it was a grand surprise when he drove up.  The porch in shade had all the appeal of an icebox, so we, including Michael, went out to the deck to sit in the sunshine and chat.  Michael, isolated here with a woman, makes it obvious that he really enjoys the company of men and went to lie by Stan.  Stan is the contact man for the family and caught me up on the news.  He has never had a harsh word to say about anyone and always brings good tidings.  Our conversation ranged far and wide.  Stan is a talker by nature, and after months in isolation I was so happy to have someone to talk with.  Michael just drowsed in the sun.

We packed a lot into the few hours before Stan had to head back.  It was my lucky day.

Stay safe.  Be well.

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