Monday, December 21, 2020


My DVR is put to good use, saving multiple episodes of some program or other to watch consecutively.  Last evening American Experience was the choice.  I always learn something about American history...not always fun, sometimes sad, but always interesting and educational.

The Dust Bowl in the 1930s was unbelievable, and the devastation to people and the land lasted for years.  The film of enough dust and dirt to black out the sun coming in rolling clouds was terrifying.  Imagine having to use a shovel to get it out of your house.

Does anyone remember or even know (I didn't) that it took sixty (60!) years of active participation by suffragettes to accomplish getting women the basic right to vote in 1920?  Women were ridiculed, beaten, and jailed for thinking they were equal and able.  Amazing.

The similarities between the influenza epidemic of 1918 and Covid-19 are eerily similar, except that the influenza killed people of all ages in a matter of hours instead of agonizing months.  People were a little smarter then and wore masks voluntarily.  Doctors and scientists didn't even know what a virus was and had no idea how to fight, cure, or prevent the invisible enemy.

The Chinese Exclusion was a dark period of history, one which unfortunately repeats itself with those who do not look like "us."  I do not and cannot understand the concept of white supremacy, nor do I want to.  I credit my parents for raising me to be racially and religiously tolerant.  Prejudice is taught.

I highly recommend American Experience.  It's on PBS, my go-to channel.  I think I'll watch "It's A Wonderful Life" tonight.

Stay safe.  Be well.

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