Thursday, December 31, 2020

Take My Advice

Good advice is useless unless it's taken, and I deplore waste.  After writing and rereading yesterday's bit, I answered my own question and decided I could make do with what I had for another day or two and delay the dreaded trip to town.  Remember the Procrastinator's Creed:  Never do today that which can be put off until tomorrow.  In response to Kit's comment:  Yes, waiting until the last minute makes a challenge out of a chore.

Most of Michael's walks are utilitarian, but he has added an outing strictly for pleasure.  At a certain time in the afternoon on a good day, he gives me the signal.  I grab his leash while he waits.  We go out the front door, but walk no farther than the end of the deck.  We have our assigned places to sit in the warmth of the sun, listen to the birds, watch clouds drift overhead.  When, and only when, he's satisfied, we come back into the house through the bedroom door.  Celeste, Michael's BFF, is always waiting just inside to welcome him back.  It's a nice routine.

Would that the end of the calendar year meant the real end of all that 2020 wreaked, but I fear there will be leftovers or hangovers for some time.  Take my advice and look for the good.  It might be minuscule, but there's some in every day.

Happy New Year!

Stay safe.  Be well.

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