Sunday, December 20, 2020

Boxed In

Not too long ago, a package was delivered.  As one does, I inspected the contents in the packing box and set the box aside.  I wasn't the only one gifted that day.  The empty box was the perfect size for one cat and Celeste immediately took possession and moved in.  Ralph tried his darndest to evict her, but she stood him off with hisses and claws.  He tried ambushing her, but had to wait until she got bored before he got his chance.  The box became the bone of contention for days...until by chance I received another delivery.  Dr. Seuss may have had a Cat In A Hat, I have a set of cats in boxes.  My living room looks like a trash bin, but Ralph and Celeste are happy.  Of course, each one thinks the other's cave is better, so every day is moving day.

The cats may be boxed in, but the dog is wrapped up.  I didn't light a fire last night, but that didn't mean I let Michael get cold.  When he gets all comfy like this, if I get up for some reason all he does is open one eye, hoping I don't need him for anything.  Heaven help me if I should disturb the dog.

With a little help this morning, I am finally able to post a photo.  It still needs a little tweaking, but at least I'm able to share.

Stay safe.  Be well.

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