Saturday, December 19, 2020

Moving Parts

I need a major overhaul.  I need a jump start in the morning, every morning.  All moving parts could do with a good squirt of oil.  The main engine sputters in fits and starts as I try to remember the name of that long-time actor whose face is as familiar as my own.  Well, that's not exactly true.  My face is unfamiliar to me now, and a paint job wouldn't help.  There's not a body shop on earth that could smooth out all the wrinkles, bumps and kinks.  I'll say long as I keep putting in fuel and don't take her out too often, the old gal keeps on truckin'.

That danged Missy is tormenting the inside cats again, leaping up to hang on the screens and scaring them silly.  Having led such a sheltered life, Ralph and Celeste are the original scaredy cats.  Missy sure isn't doing my screens any good, no matter how much fun she's having.

When Michael needs to go outside after dark, he knows we can only go as far as the circle of light from the porch.  I'm not risking another face plant.  Last night he stopped and stared intently at the front yard.  He never barks or makes a sound of alarm, so it wasn't until I heard the boink, boink, boink in the leaves that I knew he'd smelled a deer who didn't want to share our company.

On our afternoon walk, there was a cacophony of cawing from a multitude of crows in an oak in the north field.  I mean, it was loud!  The turkeys below took it as long as they could and then yelled as a group, "Shut up!"  And the crows did.

The coffee is gone and the sun is rising...time to get revved up and moving, albeit slowly at best.

Stay safe.  Be well.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

My dad, in his late 80s and then early 90s used to say he was "creaky" when he woke up in the morning. I didn't understand then...but I sure do now!!! I no longer rush my mornings unless I have to, but I find that once my morning shower is over, a lot of the creakiness has subsided. Ain't for sissies!!