Saturday, December 26, 2020

That Was Different

"Normal" is a relative term, subject to interpretation and circumstance.  If yesterday was an example of the new normal, put me down as not very happy (or merry).  It wasn't a bad day...just blah.  I heard, via phone and texts, from family and friends, but it was far different this year.  No hugs, no laughing, no Dave with a bagful of silly games and toys for the now-grownup Kids.  (He loves/ed to play Santa!)  A bowl of Thai rice and veggies instead of the gallons of chili verde that was always Craig's favorite Christmas Day meal.  Whether through disappointment or frustration, I did something I rarely-to-never do...I grazed.  I didn't count how many times I drifted into the kitchen, opening cupboards, refrigerator, and freezer, looking for something, anything, to fill that empty spot.  The rain that came early in the day suited my mood perfectly, as did the endless machinations in reruns of "The Good Wife."

Any Christmas spirit I had was a gift from my daughter.  Her holiday tree and decorations put Macy's window displays to shame, and she shared via photos.

Enough of the boo-hoo-hoos.  There is much in my life for which to be thankful.  All my family and friends are well, as am I.  There is a January 20 on the calendar.  As I have said so many times in the past, the one thing you can count on is change.  I'm ready for that.

Stay safe.  Be well.

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