Friday, December 25, 2020

Country Style

As you can see, I'm still having trouble tweaking photos and photo placement, but I'm working on it.

Needs must, and I had to go to the store yesterday.  Michael was disappointed because Holiday is the one store to which he cannot go, but he accepts "I'll be back" quite well, sighs, and lies down.  The little cabin across the road had put up Christmas lights and I was enjoying them when I caught sight of my own decoration hanging on the barbed wire fence.  Not quite believing what I was seeing, I stopped and backed up to get a better look.  Yup, it was a skull.  Whether from a long-dead goat or deer, I do not know...could be either one, they are so similar.  Now the question was, how did it come to hang on my fence?  I'm guessing it was a coyote trying to jump over with a trophy, but who knows.  I'll settle for holiday decorations, country style.

Loving shopping as I do, as long as I was there, I went on a major spree, scooping up one-dish frozen meals and salads.  For a single person, they're just as economical as meals prepared at home and I'm not stuck with a week's worth of leftovers, a la the whatever it was the last time I made a big pot of something or other.

My nod to the holiday was watching the original "The Bishop's Wife" (1947, Cary Grant, David Niven, Loretta Young), such a great feel-good Christmas movie.

The new year is almost upon us.  Let's hope it's a better one.

Stay safe.  Be well.  Ho ho ho!

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