Monday, December 28, 2020


Other than walking with Michael, yesterday was pretty much a sit-stay day, leaving me with not much to say.  After a less than spectacular start, the Steelers won their game with the Colts, not by much, but enough.  That took a chunk of time.  Before, after, and well into the night, I was glued to the TV playing catch-up with a series, "Yellowstone," recommended by my daughter.  As it happens, the channel was playing all episodes from three seasons.  Having rather eclectic tastes, I have no problem going from "The Bishop's Wife" to a modern-day cowboy "Sopranos" on horseback, full of double-dealing, gun play, and family intrigue.  The cats were happy as they were seldom displaced from my lap.  Michael got his outings and I got some exercise and fresh air.  That was about it for the day.

Stay safe.  Be well.

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