Thursday, December 3, 2020

Odds And Ends

That red lentil and rice jambalaya I made?  It was really good the first day...and the second...and the third.  By yesterday, the sixth day, let me tell you I was glad to see the end of it!  Another example of there can be too much of a good thing.  That's what happens when you live alone and a recipe makes a lot and doesn't freeze well.  Some time back, George brought me a huge frozen bag of black bean soup, must be a gallon of it, and I'm afraid to thaw it out in case of a repeat of the jambalaya experience.  This 'no company' business is really getting old.

Michael and I had to make a couple of local stops yesterday.  I was having anxiety attacks because I'd let the gas get low in the truck.  Any kind of emergency and I'd be dead in the water here with no way out.  It really struck me at both Mt. Aukum and Gray's Corner that evidently grey hair is the only requirement for wearing a mask, all other faces were bare, smiling, but bare.  Only those of us with 'snow on the roof' were protecting ourselves and others.  I don't like wearing a mask, either, but it's only common sense to me.  I watch the news, I see the numbers, I hear the pleas, and listen to those weary, tearful, worn-out health-care workers begging people to take this small precaution.  Who cannot be affected by the sight of refrigerated semi trucks called 'temporary morgues' lined up at hospitals because too many are dying too fast.  I try to keep my soapbox in the closet, but this is so important, too important.  Wear the damned mask.  If you wait until you have grey hair, it may be too late.

Stay safe.  Be well.

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