Wednesday, May 22, 2019

A Doozy

We were back to the same-old, same-old yesterday.  After the oh-so-welcome break of the day before, it rained all day.  I'm back to humming that children's ditty, "Rain, rain.  Go away!"  (The exclamation point is mine.)  Watching the news as I do, I've seen the flooding and devastation elsewhere and realize how really lucky we are here, but it doesn't stop me from complaining.  It's my second hobby.  Coming back from the barn, I heard water dripping where there should be no water dripping.  Seems one or perhaps cumulative downpours had been too much and pulled a downspout away from the gutter.  Since climbing ladders is verboten to me, it's going to stay that way until one of the Kids comes up.  Oh well.

Mid morning, I had some unexpected work on the computer involving a process I've done before, but maybe only once a year.  It took me a while to remember and execute the steps.  I was just finishing up when the first rumble of thunder came, perfect timing.  I unplugged the computer and put the cellphone on the charger (not my first rodeo).  I didn't keep track of the time, but the thunder came closer and closer and went on and on and on.  It was take-the-trash-down day, and I kept putting it off, thinking it would surely stop, but close to dark I had no choice.  It was still rumbling when I hauled my contribution cross the road.  As storms go, it was a doozy.

I only pick up my mail when there's a reason to leave the house, so there was a stack of stuff in the mailbox.  To my delight and surprise, there were a number of birthday and Mother's Day cards from family and dear friends.  There was even a gift card for KFC.  Talk about extending a holiday!

It's still raining this morning.  Aarrgh.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

Yay more rain!