Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Fresh Start

"What A Difference A day Makes" (Dinah Washington), "A Foggy Day In London Town" (Frank Sinatra & others)...some of the music in my head yesterday.

Same view of the wisteria, just to give an idea of the change in the weather in one day.
Looking to the east, the fog was worse.  Goofy goats, with all that lush green grass, they still go for the dry alfalfa.  Go figure.
It hadn't rained, but the tall grasses were wet with dew or fog water and I was soaked to the knee by the time I got back from the barn.  Not just damp, I'm talking wring-'em-out wet, and my shoes were squelching.  I had to break out a new pair of bibbies I'd been saving for dress up and change to my go-to-town shoes.

At least I was presentable when I had to take Truck to the local garage to get a new battery.  He'd been a little slow to start lately and the gauge was to the left of midline.  I'd had it briefly checked at Wally World, but it was inconclusive and they said they'd need more time than I had then to do it right.  I noted the sticker on the battery that showed it was four years old.  I live so far out in the boonies and can't take a chance on being without a vehicle.  New battery installed, Truck was raring to go.  I paid the nice man and off we went.  I'd barely turned onto Omo Ranch Road, just a hop, skip, and jump away from the shop when I turned around and went right back.  "What now?" asked the nice man.  I'd forgotten that when the battery is detached all the dash electronics lock up and have to be reactivated.  I could do without the clock, but the radio is a necessity.  Nice Man figured out how to make it happen and we left again, happy to have a fresh start.

The sun isn't up yet, but it's light enough to see the hills to the east.  Looks like it's going to be a good day.

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