Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Feelin' It

There were so many calls, texts, cards and FB cards yesterday that I most certainly felt the affection and love from family and friends.  I appreciate each and every one of you.

On any given day, I don't feel my years (of course, there are the others).  The mirror tells me my days of turning cartwheels are over.  The trick there is not to look in the mirror, and just don't do cartwheels.  I'm neither proud nor dismayed at my age.  I got here simply by keepin' on keepin' on.  I haven't yet gotten to the stage where my father was.  I was filling out some form or another for him:  "Okay, Daddy, you're 83, right?"  "No I'm not."  "Well, how old are you?"  "I'm 183!"  Man, it was hard to keep a straight face.  (I put down 83.)

Did I mention the weeds are out of control?  That's my knee disappearing into the greenery.  Also, those are foxtails in abundance.  Just two goats can't keep up with the mowing.  When the herd was bigger, they kept the weeds at bay in the pen.  My brother-in-law is coming up today to weed-eat around the property.  I just hope he beats the predicted rain.  It would be awful to come all this way for naught, except he is such good company I'd be a winner either way.

After all the foofah of the day before, yesterday the cats and I spent quiet time together.  I was feelin' that, too.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

Sounds like the birthday was calm and enjoyable, and I hope that the rain hold off so that B-I-L can do his chore and also have time to visit!!