Sunday, May 26, 2019

Light And Dark

A lot of game playing was going on yesterday.  Big, fluffy white clouds played tag while the sun played peekaboo as the clouds passed by.  Outside the living room window, it was as if someone was sending Morse code with a spotlight...dit dah dit (SOS), constantly changing from light to dark, and it went on all day.

Joe and his daughter Alex certainly picked the right day to start chainsawing on the fallen oak down by the road.  That tree fell more than a year ago and some time back Joe had asked about the possibility of sharing the firewood if he did the cutting and splitting (using my splitter).  Oh heck yeah!  It would save Joe a trip up into the National Forest where it is permissible to cut wood from slash piles left by the foresters for a nominal fee (firewood is expensive), and it would clear up some fire danger here on my property.  I could hear the saws going nearly all day long.  Joe and Alex slept well last night, I'm sure, worn down to the nub.

She with the log splitter is queen in this country.  In the afternoon, Beau called asking if he could borrow mine.  I told him he'd have to ask Joe because Joe had priority.  Evidently they both decided to put that chore off for awhile, as neither came to take the splitter out.

Just as well, because we're back in the rain again this morning, with no sign of let up.

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