Saturday, May 11, 2019

Give A Hoot

Don't you just love the internet?  A wealth of information right there at your fingertips.  Considering the multitudinous hours I spent in libraries when younger researching this, that, and the other thing, I'm absolutely gobsmacked at the instant answers to darned near anything.

There's been an owl working the neighborhood morning and night in the dark, hooting almost constantly.  It always seemed counterproductive to me to announce one's presence when hunting prey.  Owls are built for silent flight, so why keep yelling?  This morning, hearing the owl again, I asked the internet.  Seems it's a territorial thing to keep other owls away from a claimed hunting ground.  Okay, it makes sense now to give a hoot.

Arden came over yesterday bringing nibbles.  We take turns on Fridays, it's becoming a regular thing.  We watch TV together as she doesn't get some channels at home.  The two most used buttons on my remote are mute and fast forward.  I love not hearing commercials, and also halting a program should we wish to talk.

There's nothing quite like waking up to the sound of a cat yarking in the dark o' morn.  Anyone with a cat will tell you that the best way to find that hairball is with bare feet.  Thanks, Ralph.

I am so looking forward to today.  Deb and Craig are coming up!

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

World Book was my "go-to" and I LOVED the colored pages full of birds and flowers. We were lucky to have that, given the tight post-war budget of my young parents...and we are lucky to have the internet at our fingertips now. I hope you had a fantastic family day!!