Thursday, May 2, 2019

Good Grief

My sister used to quote a Chinese curse, "May you live in interesting times," although she personalized it to " an interesting life."  Well, regardless of which side of the political fence one stands, we are certainly living in interesting times worldwide.  Only a few piddly chores got done yesterday because I got hooked watching the Senate hearing for Attorney General Barr.  Fascinating, irritating, educational stuff.  It's just as well the AG is refusing to meet with the Representatives today because I have things to do.

Ohmigosh, I miss Bessie Anne.  I am reminded of her at every turn, thankful for such happy memories, but I'd rather have my friend.  Washing and putting her food bowl away hurt.  Seeing her treats and thinking of our morning ritual, ouch.  Waiting for her to catch up on the way back from the barn, forgetting for a moment that she won't be coming.  Bess was a friend who never let me down.  If there is such a thing, I'm in the throes of good grief.  It's going to take a while to quit being so emotional, but I won't forget my girl.

The weather is lovely, the days are longer, and Arden is coming over today...all good stuff.


Emmy said...

It is healthy to grieve...and to recall all the good and bad parts of your loss.
Spring and pink dogwood May make the transition easier.

Kathryn Williams said...

I was gone on a trip longer than I have ever been on, and then home a week and then gone again. I wanted to read the blogs that I have missed all at one time so have lagged in catching up, and I am hanging my head in shame that I have not been here to "comfort from afar and with only words," but I send lots of love and hugs and can only say that you and Bessie Anne were SO lucky to have each other. Your memories will last a lifetime, and I know from experience that it will take some time to create your "new normal," where every little thing is not a constant reminder. Bless you, dear Bo! May each day get a little easier and each memory a little sweeter.