Tuesday, May 7, 2019


Okay, all systems are GO!  Batteries are new, air conditioning is blowing cold air, and the blinkety-blink tail light is blinking again!  I learned a long time ago never to ask "what next," but I think I'm pretty well set for the moment, equipment-wise.

The gal who owns the auto shop gave me a ride home when Truck needed a prolonged stay yesterday.  She was driving a rock-crawler Jeep vehicle that was so high off the ground that I really needed a crane to get in.  I'm glad I wasn't watching or I'd have fallen down laughing at my struggles.  Her regular car had been smooshed when she hit one of those deer I keep warning my Kids about.  When she picked me up, I had a milk crate here to use as a step stool.  After reclaiming Truck, I filled him up with gas before it hit $4 a gallon.  Jeez Louise, I haven't seen prices like this for decades.

It's the time of year when we live the wild life (party on!).  I am seeing more and more jackrabbits and quail, and when I go out on the deck I startle deer grazing below.  On FB I see postings of sightings of mountain lions in the area nearly every day.  Thankfully, I've not seen any of those.  My own little wild cat, Missy, is waiting in the barn for her breakfast nearly every day.  She has set her own routine:  I am to put the food in her dish and then she expects to be petted and stroked, turning her head to show me what I should do.  And I do.

I did reschedule with Stan for mowing as the grass is still so wet.  His namesake, Stanley, made an attempt at another attack in the morning, but I heard him coming and was able to ward him off.  I'm begining to feel like a lion tamer as I use the feed dish like a shield when I go in the pen.

Now I need to charge ahead with housekeeping as the Kids are coming up this weekend.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

Woo Hoo the kids are coming up. Ah YES...Mother's Day and Birthday!!! Sweet! Are you going to try bringing Missy up to the house now, or would Ralph and Celeste revolt?