Friday, May 24, 2019

I Can See Clearly Now

"I Can See Clearly Now" (song by Johnny Nash, 1970)

The rain didn't start yesterday until I was on my way to P'ville to see the eye doc.  I knew it had been a while since I'd been to his office, thinking it could have been three or four years.  Turns out it was seven.  How time flies.  Since I'd only been to his new (guess it's not so new anymore) office only once, I gave myself plenty of time to get lost, but found my way like a homing pigeon so I had time to sit and read for a bit before my appointment.  Silly DMV; I had the exam with Dr.'s fancy-dancey machines, including the one that puffs air at your eye, and it turns out I can see fine for DMV and general purposes.  I wasn't even prescribed glasses, and can make do with the Dollar Store cheaters for reading.  There is a cataract forming on (in?) one eye, but it isn't "ripe" enough for surgery yet.  Dr. filled out the necessary form and I was out of there, ta da!

The office was just around the corner from the Hong Kong Inn, my favorite Chinese restaurant, and I weakened.  I didn't even look at the menu.  "I just want something with a lot of vegetables and maybe some beef, please."  I took it "to go," and the aroma from the mystery meal made me salivate on the way home.  It was exactly what I'd asked for and it was a grand reward for having made the unwanted trip to town.

Now I just have to gear up to go back to DMV with proof positive I can see clearly now.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

Oh GREAT about the glasses...and I can smell the Chinese food from here. Oh yummy!