Thursday, May 23, 2019

Comfort Cat

Celeste seems to realize how much I miss Bessie Anne and has taken it upon herself to become my support cat.  Just as Bess followed me from room to room, now I am accompanied by Celeste...everywhere.  She talks a lot more now, and I get frequent headbutts.  Seldom do I sit down that my lap is not filled with a grey lump of cat.  Sometimes I'll tell her that I'm going to get up again in just a minute, but she says she doesn't care and jumps up anyway.  The litter box is in the bathroom and we use our facilities together (oh joy).  When I came home from the grocery store yesterday, I found one of her piglets in my chair.  Maybe she thought I needed it there for company.  Celeste has always shown affection and attention, but she's ramped up her game.  She's my comfort cat.

We did get a welcome break from the rain yesterday.  Food supplies for all the outside animals were getting pretty low so I called Mt. Aukum to ask about a delivery on the next dry day.  I've known Chris for many years.  He's a good guy with a great sense of humor.  I was afraid he might leave when the new owners took over and was relieved when he stayed on.  He took my order and said the supplies might even be delivered the same day.  Really?!!  He said he tried to take care of his VIPs first.  Imagine that, I'm a VIP!  Sure enough, it wasn't even two hours before Patrick drove up, loaded with alfalfa, scratch and pellets for the chickens, 40 pounds of seed for the wild birds, and a block of trace mineral salt for the goats.  That ought to keep the critters happy and well fed for awhile.

I've an appointment with the optometrist today.  I'm not ready for a white cane yet, but I did flunk the eye test at DMV and it's imperative that I get the problem fixed.  It's been years since I've needed full-time glasses, making do with "cheaters" for reading, but it appears that time has taken its toll.  Ah well.  There are some things Celeste can't fix.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

Ah that warms my heart the Celeste is taking care of your comfort. Animals are amazing for reading us! Hope you got some glasses!!