Monday, May 6, 2019

Whine Country

We're not as big or well known as Napa, but more and more vineyards are gong in around Fair Play.  Vineyards mean wineries and wineries mean more traffic on our little country roads.  Sigh.  My neighbor's vines are starting to leaf out.  I will admit they're a pretty crop.

Beau came to see if John Not-So-Dear would start.  Not surprisingly, stubborn John wouldn't, even after Beau put him on a charger.  Well, wasn't that just great.  Beau said he was going down to Mt. Aukum anyhow and would I like him to buy a new battery.  Yes, please.  Between Truck and John, it's an epidemic!

Beau said he'd be back later in the afternoon.  While waiting, I made a run up to Holiday, driving with crossed fingers because of the one nonfunctioning taillight.  I was in the frozen food aisle when I saw a small package of creamed chipped beef.  Ohmigosh!  I was transported back in time.  Creamed chipped beef (known to servicemen as SOS-ask one to explain) was a staple on the menu when I was a kid, and I made it for my Kids, too.  I haven't had it for years, so put the package in my cart.  Gosh, it was good.

Beau came back with the new battery and installed it.  In the few minutes it took, I started feeling raindrops.  It had been such a lovely day.  Yes, there were some clouds overhead, but nothing that would portend rain.  Once again, the hills are hidden behind a bank of fog this morning.  If it rains today, I'll have to call my brother-in-law who was going to come up to mow and tell him not to come.  Can't mow tall wet grass.  Whine.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

One of the times last year that I was driving from Tinka's to the SAC airport, there was a TRAFFIC JAM as the road to Fiddletown met up with the road to Shenandoah Valley. I had never, ever, ever seen backed up traffic and I was astounded. Not living in "Winery Country," I had no idea. I think there had been some sort of festival, and I even saw some Limos...near Fiddletown and Plymouth...LIMOUSINES! Who knew??!!