Friday, May 10, 2019

Rolling Thunder

I'm stealing again.  Rolling Thunder is the name given to a massive group of veteran motorcyclists who have gathered together since 1987.  The group raises money and awareness for veterans, POWs, and MIAs.  They hold a rally every year in Washington, D.C., however this year will be the last.

Arden came over for a visit in the morning on a perfectly lovely day.  Ralph recognizes a friend when he sees one and actually made a pest of himself, demanding attention from Arden.  Celeste was under the bed as usual.

It was in the afternoon that the show started.  At first there were a few intermittent booms of distant thunder.  They started coming nearer and closer together and loud!  It sounded like Rolling Thunder was riding though the hills and it went on and on.  I never saw any lightning.  Then the rain came, just a spattering at first, and then a downpour.  It didn't last long.  Well, Truck got a good bath.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

I don't think the calendar realizes that April Showers don't need to continue in May! We had some last night and it is spitting right now. We in Southern California need it for sure, but I'm always amazed when it happens.