Monday, May 20, 2019

Start 'Em Laughing

I know the saying is "Always leave 'em laughing," but it's good to start your day with a giggle.  I got mine yesterday.  There is a drawback to buying the same style of shoe in different colors.  I prefer black, but all that was offered last time was brown...barn shoes brown, go-to-town shoes black, same shoe.  It wasn't until I got out to the living room that I saw I was wearing one of each.  This isn't the first time this has happened to me.  I was working in an office, wearing suits and high heels.  It had seemed to me one day that I was walking a little off-kilter, but didn't think too much of it, not until I was alone in the elevator and realized I had two slightly different shoes on.  When the doors opened, the man waiting to get on was a little startled to find this woman (me) laughing like a loon all by herself.  I've also found myself wearing one red and one black.  I could start a new fashion trend.

Did I mention that Nature is a litterbug?  I got a good soaking doing barn chores yesterday.  Coming back up, the driveway and yards were covered in those tender branches blown off by fierce winds.  I can hear flatlanders saying, "That's a driveway?"  Yes, my dears, it is.

The old girl pulled out all the stops yesterday.  Rain, wind, sun, and at one time, snow!  Stove was crabby and it took hours to get the house even halfway warm.  It had calmed down somewhat in the afternoon when I got a text from my daughter, warning that a terrific thunderstorm was heading my way and suggesting I put my phone and that super-duper lantern on the charger in case of a power outage, which I did.  We got another bout of rain, but were spared the light show.

Feeling the need of some comfort food, I made potato pancakes for dinner.  Call them what you will:  latkes, draniki, raggmunk, they are down-home cooking.  These days I use the food processor to grate the potatoes and only needed two spuds.  When the Kids were growing up, I'd need five pounds of potatoes and had to grate them by hand.  Regardless, the taste was just as comforting.

By the way, I changed my shoes.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

Oh. yummy - potato pancakes!!! Funny about the and brown I can understand. Black and red??? Hmmmm! LOL