Tuesday, May 14, 2019

One Small Hitch

Yesterday was such a productive day.  I got so much done on a trip to town.  A couple of errands before a doctor's appointment were crossed off the list first and didn't take as long as I'd thought, getting me to the office early enough to sit and read for a bit (never leave home without a book).  The exam went well except for the fact I've been prescribed another pill.  Me, who has never taken more than two pain pills a year!  Now I feel like I rattle when I walk after gulping six or seven a day.

I mentioned I'd be spending today at DMV, hoping it wouldn't take the entire day.  "Oh, no, go today!"  She said she'd heard that it was easier and quicker to go to DMV in the afternoon, around four if possible.  "Once you're signed in, they have to process you even if it's after hours, no matter how many are waiting."  Hmmm.  I had to wait for the prescription to be filled anyhow, might as well give it a go.

I got a clue when there were some empty parking spots in the lot at DMV, unheard of.  Going in, I was third in line to sign in!  After a very short wait, I was called to give information, etc, and there was an open computer to apply to take the test.  After that and before taking the test, I was sent back to the first gal to take an eye exam, and that was where I hit a small hitch in the git along.  I couldn't pass.  Aarrgh!!  It's been probably over four years since I've seen the optometrist.  I see fine for distance and use cheaters for reading; it's the middle ground where I seem to have a wonky eye.  I was given a temporary license until I see the eye man, and I'll be calling for an appointment today.  They'll be sending the men in white coats after me next.  Regardless, the nice lady sent me down the line to have my photo taken.  No!  Not having planned this part of the outing, my hair looked like I'd gone through a wind tunnel and I wore no makeup.  I sure didn't want to be recorded for posterity like this, but in for a penny, in for a pound (and I didn't have a choice).  I held off taking the test until I return.  I want to say this, and I said it to the nice man who took the picture, DMV gets a bad rap:  zombie-like employees and waiting times that stretch for hours. I've been going to the Placerville office for over twenty years and have never had to wait all that long and have never been helped by anyone who wasn't smiling and accommodating.  I will be filling out the "How Are We Doing" card and saying they're doing fine.  I picked up my prescription and beat feet home.

On the way into town on any given day, my focus is on getting there.  It's on the way back that I have a chance to take a breath and see what's around me.  The iris farm is blooming in a variety of colors and open for sales.  The hills are covered in fields of bright yellow wild mustard, and there are banks of blue lupine along the road.  And, believe it or not, regardless of what DMV says, I could see it all.

Given that one hitch, it was a good day.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

Oh I'm so happy for you. I think the DMV experience depends a lot on the population density surrounding the specific office...and then again, the competency of the various people. I could tell you a story...but I won't. Just say...I'm very happy for you!!!