Monday, August 17, 2020

A Tangled Web

"Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive!"  (Sir Walter Scott, 1808.)

Well, only the first part pertains here.  Nobody is deceiving anybody, but, man, I have a tangled web of wires!  Computer wires, monitor wires, wires to the electrical source and to the wall, probably wires to long-gone equipment, and now speaker wires, and, guess what...I still don't have audio!  "It's so simple," he said.  "Just one plug in the electrical and one plug in the computer," he said.  That's where the deception comes in because it didn't work.  Practicing my best Scarlett O'Hara yesterday, I decided to think about that "tomorrow."

After Clay's dire weather report at 5:30, I got another one from Deb at 10, saying much the same thing, and she added, "Get everything done that you need to and get everything charged!  It's bad!"  Forewarned, I prepared for the worst and waited.  And waited.  Sunshine (i.e., heat!) and a few strong gusts of wind were all we got.  Not that I was disappointed, but a little of that rain would have been nice.

Michael seemed so grateful for the spray bottle that I did hose him down in the afternoon.  After a first startled look, he really got into it as I got all the way to the skin.  If I hadn't been clothed, I would have joined him.  I soaked him down good and he gave one shake and decided to drip dry.  That's probably going to become a regular part of our day during this heat.

If you need me today, I'll be cramped in the very small space in the corner of the bedroom, trying to sort wires.

Stay safe.  Be well.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

Oh I HATE the wires. That's one of the reasons that I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE my Mac laptop, and even my dad's bit desktop Map had few wires. But each to his/her own of course. If you have not checked, make sure that your sound is "on" on your keyboard. It has been years since I have had a PC, but on my MacBook, there are 2 keys for audio...volume up, volume down, and volume off.