Thursday, August 20, 2020

The Will Is Weak

 The computer and I are at odds this morning and I fear it's winning.  Why the underline, I don't know, but Computer wants it and that's that.

The photo (underline went away!) was taken yesterday at 8 a.m.  The smoke was that thick.  My daughter sent photos of the ash covering her yard in the valley at about the same time.  The fires are mostly burning clear over by the coast and can only be described as horrific.  Thousands have been evacuated.  Those poor people.  California hasn't fully recovered from the Camp fire in Paradise two years ago.  Fire crews have been decimated by the virus and are stretched thin.  Bless 'em all.

They say where there's a will, there's a way, but the will has to be stronger than mine yesterday to get something, anything, done.  Just breathing became the main objective.  From dawn's early light, it looks like today is going to be more of the same.

The highlight of the day was getting a phone call from my son in Hawaii.  He could be a professional spirit-lifter.  We were both glad that Hurricane Douglas had veered away from Oahu at the last moment.  Nature appears to be giving us payback for some reason.  I wish she'd relent and send us some rain...just a little.  We don't need the floods that are occurring in other States.  She can be one mean mother.

Stay safe.  Be well.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

Man, enough is enough. There are over FIVE HUNDRED fires, they say!