Sunday, August 23, 2020

Act II (Or Maybe III)

I seem to be caught in some electronic version of "The NeverEnding Story" (Peter Falk, 1980s).  Let's see, it started with the computer monitor and then new speakers, and moved on to the sound blip on the living room TV, then to the technician who came on Thursday and hustled me into buying an external speaker that would "solve all my problems."  Only it didn't.  Yes, I could hear the TV, only now it won't turn off.  Aarrgh!  I spent an hour and a half on the phone yesterday with technical support, who finally decided the problem was not with the satellite system, but the television itself.  Trust me, I am not going to ask what next.  Okay, Michael and I went to town in the afternoon and bought a new TV.  Technical support is sending another technician (boy, I hope it's not the same one!) to remove the external speaker today.  With any luck on my part and common sense on his, he'll install the new TV and save himself a trip back to hook up the satellite.  I am, shall we say, electronically challenged.  Ah well, Michael and I enjoyed the trip with A/C.

Camille has offered to trim Michael's nails, but we keep running into glitches trying to connect.  Until we do, he clicks around in the kitchen.  At least I know when my silent 'ghost dog' is on the move.

Smoke and heat continue.  Sigh.

Stay safe.  Be well.  And wish me luck.

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