Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Cough, Cough, ZZZZ

Oh great.  Temps in the 100s aren't enough, Nature had to throw in the ferschluggen humidity.  To put the cherry on top, smoke from the valley fires is so thick up here this morning it looks like fog hiding the hills across the way.  I'm not complaining as there are no local fires, but I can taste as well as smell the smoke.  Nothing, but nothing got done yesterday.  Sleep is my refuge and I go there often.  I didn't even get the trash down to the big road, for Pete's sake!  Oh well.  Don't expect much from me until there is some kind of change.  I'll be sleeping.

Stay safe.  Be well.

1 comment:

Emmy said...

Sky here yellow....with smoke or heat?
Awful any way
First the Plague and now the fires..
Very scary