Monday, August 24, 2020

The Nose Knows

Michael is a dog of discerning tastes.  I have to laugh at myself.  Not long after Michael came here to live, Arden came over (this was back in the dark ages when we could still have company) and she was going to give him a bite of her snack.  "Please don't do that, Arden.  I'd rather prefer that he not get used to mooching while I'm eating."  Ah well, that was then, this is now.  Now whenever I come into the living room with a plate or bowl, Michael comes over, "What are we having today?"  Just as he eats his kibble one piece at a time, he will sniff the offering first.  "Hmm, will I like that?"  Most of the time he does, sometimes he doesn't.  I really enjoy raw red bell peppers.  Michael always says no thanks.  The nose knows.

Sometimes I laugh at myself, sometimes I kick myself, as I did yesterday.  It took some doing to drag the new TV out of the truck and up to the porch (that was as far as I could go).  I explained to the service tech when he arrived the recent events and why I needed him to install the new set and remove the unnecessary speaker bar.  After the oh-so-patient tech with whom I'd spent one-and-a-half hours testing this, that, and the other thing had told me the infrared sensor was defunct on the TV so it would not respond to the remote, it seemed my only option.  Yeah, well.  Yesterday's gentleman removed the bar, ran a couple of tests, and said there was nothing wrong with the TV.  Numbnuts had put the bar so that it blocked the sensor.  Aarrgh and double-aarrgh!  Now I have a brand new television stored in the Black Hole of Calcutta, a perfectly operating TV in the living room, and a speaker bar that needs to be sent back after I find a UPS store that will make a box for it.  Numbnuts took the original box away.  Live and learn.  What I really need is a course in electronics.

I rarely buy ice cream, but did indulge the last time I went to the store.  Michael really likes vanilla ice cream.

Stay safe.  Be well.

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