Saturday, August 8, 2020

It's All Relative

Normal is such a relative term.  As such, yesterday was a normal day.  A cousin posted a cartoon today of a woman sitting still in a chair, with a caption, "It may look like I'm doing nothing, but in my head I'm quite busy."  That's me to a T.  If I ever actually accomplished all of the chores, crossed off everything on my list, or even got started, I'd be Wonder Woman.

As it is, taking Michael for his outings is the big deal of the day.  What a godsend that dog is.  He came at just the right time to help me with the pain of losing Bessie Anne.  His calm, detached demeanor was almost disturbing in the beginning.  Of all the great, well-behaved dogs I've been privileged to have, I've never known a dog like Michael.  No barking (I've never heard him bark), jumping, licking, pulling on the leash, no bad habits of any kind.  Even his dining habits are unique.  He lies down by his bowl and eats one kibble at a time, making his bowl last all day.  He is perfection on four paws.  I've been feeling quite favored lately as he's been giving me more little kissies on my hand, about as effusive as Michael gets.  He's also been lying by my feet more often.  Yay!

The last few days have been a break in the heat.  Clay texted me that this was his idea of what summer should be.  I agreed, so I put him in charge of weather.  Now I'll know who to blame if the temperature rises.

If I get a few things done today, it could be the new normal.  Or not.

Stay safe.  Be well.

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