Tuesday, August 18, 2020

The Sound Of Music

No reference to "The Sound Of Music" film (1965, Julie Andrews, Christopher Plummer, and that passel of kids).

There I was, stuffed into that corner, moving the inoperative speakers around while sorting wires, when I noticed a knob on the side of one speaker.  Hmmm.  It was marked 'volume,' but didn't seem to want to turn.  I put it aside.  It did, however, intrigue me, and I went back to it.  I checked the "instructions," which were rudimentary drawings at best.  Nope, nothing about volume control.  Computer Guy hadn't said anything about such a control.  Well, heck, the thing wasn't working anyhow, so what could I hurt, and I turned the knob with more force.  Bink!  A little light came on and the speakers were operative!   Now I have the sound of music and voices and feel I'm once again in touch with the world!  That was the big 'ta da' for the day.

Okay, it was the only 'ta da.'  In addition to the oppressive heat, even without a cloud cover there was a muggy wet feel to the air.  This is an area of dry heat and we're not used to humidity.  Neither the animals nor I moved around much, mainly sleeping through the day.  Michael got his wet-down, and that was about it.  One can hope for better today.

Stay safe.  Be well.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

Oh man, I REALLY don't like humidity and don't do well with it. Once my head starts "leaking," it doesn't stop. I do sympathize. And ya for getting the speakers turned on. So happy for you.