Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Quite A Day

In 1972 there was a commercial for Life cereal with the tag line "Mikey likes it!"  Michael is too dignified to ever be called Mikey, but Michael likes going to town.  Three stops are better than two, because there is a bigger, better selection of trees and bushes, and he doesn't miss a one.  He is my goodwill ambassador everywhere we go, and he stood me in good stead at the lab.  I did something I never do...I made a complaint.  I explained to the supervisor about the mess-up in tests done (or not done) and how it had caused me unnecessary trips to town, rescheduled appointments, etc., and also that my insurance company was being over-billed.  I must have presented my case well, because she reimbursed me in cash for gasoline and agreed to back off all but the one charge.  I'm sure it helped that Michael quietly gave her the stink eye the whole time.  He's a support dog in more ways than one.

As per usual, not much got done the rest of the day other than getting the trash down to the big road.

There was a call after eight o'clock, and that was unusual in itself.  My Kids know that they'd better be bleeding to call that late.  Even more strange was that I never pick up an "unknown caller" call, but I did last night.  It turned out to be from a great-nephew in Maine, of all places.  I didn't meet him until he was an adult, and he's only been here twice, but we ended up talking for four hours!  It was in two segments because he had to recharge his phone in between.  He was getting the tail end of hurricane Isaias and the power was out for a time.  He really wants to come out and meet the Kids, but that will have to wait until the virus allows a gathering, and who knows when that will be.  I'll have time to dust.

Up well past my bedtime, it was no surprise that the sun was well up when I finally woke up today.  It had been quite a day.

Stay safe.  Be well.

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