Friday, August 7, 2020


I have pretty much tried to stick to my mission statement, writing about life here at Farview Farm with not much reflection about the "real world."  My life is real enough for me.  The "real world," however, has been encroaching on my peace of mind.  The daily news is full of gestapo police tactics, righteous protests, destructive riots, the mind-boggling and constantly climbing numbers of  Covid-19 cases and deaths, children and teachers being sent into unsafe school conditions, the weary, tearful faces of first responders, doctors and nurses, the thought that Americans, Americans!, are not allowed to enter some other countries, daily reports of shootings and killings in the cities and suburbs, unemployment numbers in the millions, Congress at such odds with each other to the point of stalemate, leaving citizens to face poverty, and, let's face it, the lack of leadership at the top of some states and the nation.  I needn't go on.  You all live out there in it while I sit up here on my hill, observing and despairing.

The feeling of helplessness is nearly overwhelming.  There is one ray of hope, and that is our right and obligation to vote.  In all my eighty years, I have never failed to exercise that right in local, state, and top-level government elections.  I grew up in a politically diverse household.  My father was a dyed-in-the-wool Democrat and Mother was a staunch Republican.  The importance of the vote was a big deal, even though they would cancel each other's choice.  Hearing their arguments on both sides, I have rarely-to-never voted a straight ticket, casting my vote on the person or issue as I saw fit.  Not every election went my way, but I could live with the results because I had had the opportunity to put in my two cents.  "Ya don't vote, ya can't bitch."

That's the whole point of this piece.  Vote!  Make your voices heard.  Don't sit home and 'let the other guy' do it.  This upcoming election is too important to our American way of life and to the world.  I don't care if it's in person or by mail, vote!

I promise I will go back to hill life tomorrow, but I felt these things had to be said today.  VOTE!

Stay safe.  Be well.

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