Friday, August 21, 2020

Up And Moving

Another day of heat and smoke, but I didn't have much choice...there were things (like dusting) that had to be done.  A technician was coming regarding a television/satellite problem and I do have a modicum of pride.  I don't think anyone has been inside the house since, oh, maybe January.  Tech Guy came and went, and I now have external speakers for the system.

Having finally accomplished something, I was encouraged to take another step and went to the grocery store.  I found most everything I needed, but was amazed to find the mayonnaise shelves were empty.  Who would hoard mayonnaise, and why?  At checkout, I asked specifically that the bags not be filled too heavy.  Arnold Schwarzenegger, I'm not.  I was helped to the truck by a smiling young lady who insisted on calling me 'honey.'  I'm not adverse to terms of endearment, but there's something about being called 'honey' by a very young stranger that just makes a person feel old.  Oh well, I appreciated her help.  At home, knowing I'd bought dog food and would have difficulty carrying it to the house, I enlisted the help of my little red wagon.  That was a good thing because the grocery bags were so overloaded that I couldn't even lift them out of the truck.  That gal must have had unseen muscles, and darn that checker anyhow.  With a little ingenuity and some extra bags, the deed got done before the ice cream (I indulged a craving) melted.

I will not complain about the smoke, thick again today.  There are over 370 fires burning in California, most caused by nearly 11,000 lightning strikes in a 72-hour period.  No wonder the firefighters are stretched thin.

We had a thankfully brief power outage last night.  Just a good reminder to keep the cellphone, etc., charged.

Stay safe.  Be well.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

I heard a guy on the radio say that he and his son went to a skateboard shop and the shelves were not well stocked. The owner of the store said that it has to do with production, so maybe the mayonnaise was not hoarded, but the production facilities were not up to full capacity.