Saturday, August 29, 2020

Michael's Spa Day

'Spa Day' might be an exaggeration.  I took Michael in to the vet's office and he got his nails trimmed.  It was oh-so-necessary.  He has long feathers covering his toes and it's easy to ignore his nails; they're never seen.  I did warn the nice lady that Michael has a very low tolerance for pain and would scream if hurt in any way.  When done, she said he had given his own warning with a quiet rumble.  The procedure went off without a hitch and I'm sure walking is more pleasurable for him now.

I knew that Dr. Ric had retired.  He was a marvelous veterinarian, knowledgeable, capable, and kind.  He'd been our vet through Dogie and Bessie Anne, and had done reconstructive surgery on Frank, the cat with torn ligaments.  I was saddened to learn that Dr. Ric had recently died.

Why they bothered to make an appointment, I don't know.  It was not an obviously busy day, and I don't know what was going on behind the scenes, but our wait time was over an hour.  That did, however, give me an opportunity to meet the Corgi who was within days of delivering six puppies.  If you know how short a Corgi's legs are, you can imagine how close to the ground her belly was dragging.  (I love Corgis.)  I was also introduced to a mini-mini Chihuahua and was told she might weigh four pounds on a good day.  Yikes, I've got dust bunnies bigger than that!  (I'm exaggerating again.)

Cameron is coming today to cut down some broken limbs on an oak tree over the woodpile.  They must have broken during the last hard winds and I hadn't noticed because that area isn't on our normal walkway.  Given the fire danger, I sure don't want to give any extra fuel so close to the house.

Michael knows, "Want to go for a ride" and also "Let's go home."  Yesterday he was happy to hear the latter.

Stay safe.  Be well.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

Glad that his nail trimming was not uncomfortable for him...except for the rumble. What a gentleman!!