Thursday, March 22, 2018

Animal House

Sometimes I feel like I'm in a version of the 1978 movie "Animal House," but my script is written with (mostly) real live animals.

Yesterday morning, still half asleep in the semi-dark kitchen, I kicked what I was afraid was a body.  Flipping the switch, I thought, "Now how the heck did that thing get in here?!"  It took me a minute to realize what I was seeing.

It was the head/hat part of a skunk costume Deb and Craig had given Bessie Anne years ago.  That was the year Bess had gotten skunked seven times.  From the look on her face, it's pretty obvious that Bess did not appreciate the gift or the reminder.  I only made her wear it the once and put it away.  Evidently I'd left the cupboard door ajar and I'm assuming it was Ralph had pulled this new toy out.  I put it back.

For the first time ever, I did not put out food for the birds yesterday.  (It was raining and no birds were waiting, anyhow.)  When I took the lid off the barrel, there were eight rats at the bottom; two adults and six ratletts.  No way was I going to reach my hand in among those jumping, racing critters to get the birdseed.  I could imagine them running up my arm.  I'm just not that brave.  I tended the goats and then called Camille, the SOS lady.  She came up later and took the bountiful breakfast to the bobcat rescue person.  When she brought the barrel back, she said that one of the adults had given birth to seven infants that were hidden in the grain.  That was a total of fifteen rodents gone in just one day.  Yay!  (I put out a late lunch for the birds.)

I watch a lot of PBS Nature documentaries, and particularly like the "Spy In The Wild" programs.  Ralph was enjoying this episode with penguins last night and moved in for a closer look.

There was another floater in the bathroom this morning.  Oh joy.

I could never say I lead a dull life.

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