Sunday, March 25, 2018

It's All About Timing

While Missy hasn't (or wouldn't) go after the big rat, her killer instincts are still intact.  Yesterday there were the remains of a ground squirrel in her room.  She had to have good timing to catch one of those speedy boogers.  To the victor go the spoils, so I didn't remove it just then.

Rain and hail off and on all day and the temperature dropped like a rock, a good twenty-plus degrees below the day before.  Beau and his band of munchkins couldn't have chosen a better time to split those cedar rounds and I had a good supply of wood on the porch.   Since Helper Dude had cleared Stove's throat, I luxuriated in a warm house all day.  It was, after all, my "day off."

Had I not happened to flip the page on the calendar for a quick look-see, I would have missed the fact that Easter this year falls on April 1 (no April Fool joke), just one week away.  Yikes!  Needless to say, I'm not prepared.  I was able to contact Pete, who, weather permitting, will come up.  I left messages for Deb, Craig and Dave, and got a text back from Clay, who has to work, dang it.  It's pretty safe to say that Larry will not fly back for a ham dinner.  When I find out how many might be here, I'll go shopping, but not today as snow is in the forecast.  However, sunny days with temps up in the low 70s are predicted for the next week.  John Dear is finally going to come out of winter retirement when everything dries out.  It's about time!

1 comment:

Emmy said...

Wondering what altitude you are at, That you still have snow ? This morning was only 39 here, so trying to get house warm and see some sunshine.