Tuesday, March 20, 2018


I knew it.  I just knew it would happen one day, and yesterday it did.  Waldo and the other piglets are scattered throughout the house, as are bald hamster and many, many others.  Yesterday morning one of the piglets was floating face up or maybe doing the backstroke in the toilet (who knew pigs could float?).  With pets in the house, the commode is always flushed, so it wasn't as gross as it might have been.  Celeste must have been perfecting her jump shot because later in the day, there was another piglet in the pot.  Well rinsed, they are laid out on the counter to dry.

Where there's one rat, there are bound to be more.  Camille came to take away three ratletts in the morning, and there were two more in the barrel last night.  Cam has business in town today, so I'll probably release them somewhere in the woods away from houses.  It isn't going to solve the problem, but catching them this way at least reduces the resident population.

Yesterday was absolutely beautiful, warm and sunny.  Knowing that at least five days of rain are due, it seemed prudent to make a run to town for supplies.  Bess and the cats were getting low on snacks and it wouldn't do to run out.  They could make my life pretty miserable were that to happen.  The drive was actually pretty nice.  Peach and plum trees are starting to bloom along the road.  I wonder if there are still ice cream parlors that might serve old-fashioned sodas with syrup, ice cream or sherbet, and carbonated water.  My favorite was crushed pineapple at the bottom with strawberry ice cream.  My mother preferred a "Black Cow," which was chocolate syrup and chocolate ice cream.  The fruit trees always remind me of the pink and white froth on sodas back in the day.

Sunset last night was probably the last we'll see for awhile.  Even so, the clouds were closing in.  The rain isn't due until tonight, but we know how capricious Nature is.  I'm hoping it will stay dry so I can get more wood to the house.  It was so warm yesterday that a fire wasn't necessary, but I can hear Stove's stomach rumbling.

Even with a trip to town, it was a good day.

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