Thursday, March 29, 2018


Nature has had a sudden change of heart.  There is still firewood at Stove's side, ready for action because it's been so cold, and yesterday it was so warm I had the living room door open all day.  How pleasant it was not to have to gear up like Nanook of the North to go to the barn.  The girls spent the day grazing or lazing in their sunny pen.  They'd best get to work; the grass is already ankle high.

Missy has either won over the girls or they've just become used to her constant presence.  They no longer snort and stamp, and that's a good thing because she is totally comfortable around them and me.  Instead of staying in her room, she now follows me in the hallway as I tend to one or the other of the goats, and walks or sits on top of the stall gates.  Missy has a very tiny meow, but a very loud purr when I put down her food; much louder than Ralph or Celeste.  She is going to have a veritable feast soon because the ground squirrels are coming out to play after a winter under ground..

Most of yesterday was spent in household drudgery.  Aarrgh.  I would much rather have preferred to be out in the sunshine, tootling around on John Dear.  Company coming is the spur that gets my housework horse going.  Bess and I made a hit-and-run trip late in the day for birdseed (and two cookies).  I'd forgotten until the last minute that the barrel was empty.

A golden sunset was my reward for sticking to the job(s) at hand.

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