Saturday, March 3, 2018

Night Life

Five a.m.  There is a full moon, and moonlight on fresh-fallen snow is lovely.  No snow on the satellite dishes is better!  There was actually more snow in the afternoon and evening yesterday than the day before, but no wind.  Regardless, Bessie's trip outside was brief today.  Not that anyone is paying attention, but if they noticed I wonder what people would think about the lady on the hill who turns her porch light on then quickly off in the early morning hours.  Is she signaling in the dark, and to whom?

Going down to the barn on a snowy morning is educational.  Not all creatures go to bed when it gets dark.  Tracks in the snow tell an interesting story.  Deer had jumped the fence to have an alfalfa snack and maybe get a drink of water.  Rabbits went back and forth on the driveway, going about whatever rabbits do.  The goats and I may not, but many others seem to have a very active nightlife.

Stove has developed a voracious appetite and I had to bring up a couple more loads of firewood to keep him happy.  When Stove is the only source of heat, his satisfaction is a primary goal.  If I couldn't tell the house was warm myself, I know we're up to temp when the cats and Bess stretch out by the hearth stone to soak up the heat.  They abandon my lap in favor of the warmer spot.

So far, so good with power.  We're not out of those woods yet, but fingers crossed.  I try to keep ahead of those things that need electricity, just in case.  It's a bit like knowing company is coming; do the dishes and run the vacuum while there's time.  Dusting can wait.  (Dusting is always last on my list.)

We're due for more snow today.  I'm glad I don't have to go anywhere...except to the barn.

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